My Book
When Autism Is Tearing You Apart
Best Sellers in Autism Pathology
Top 100 Paid
Has mothering your child with autism been a huge shock? It’s feeling more like a nightmare than a joy? Your experiences seem radically different from everyone around you. Do you ever feel like you’re failing as a mother? Mothering a child with autism can be a traumatic experience. Liz’s ground-breaking research found 31 percent of mothers of children with autism have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because of the unique demands of mothering a child with autism. Maybe you’re feeling a bit traumatised too, but don’t know what to do about it.
The good news is you can improve your mental health and feel good about yourself as a mother.
In this book you will learn:
Why caring for your child with autism can be traumatising.
How to be courageous and do what you know is best for your child.
How to be confident, trust your intuition and not be intimidated by anyone.
How to calm your nervous system, emotions and reactions, especially in stressful situations.
How to find compassion for yourself and diminish feelings of guilt, shame and failure.
How to stay calm even during your child’s meltdowns.
How to stop having meltdowns yourself.

When Autism Is Tearing You Apart is a no-holds-barred book written to help mothers manage their emotions, physical sensations and broken heart. Change is not only possible despite the challenges faced, but is within reach of every frazzled mother struggling to cope.
Liz is the mother of an adult child with autism, a psychologist and researcher. She blends her experiences as a mother of a child with autism and her expertise as a psychologist and researcher, to bring fresh insights and new hope to mothers of all ages and stages of caring for their child with autism.
Our Reviews
Easy to read yet solid content. Liz Smalley writes with an amazingly honest voice. Her book offers powerful, proven methods to heal maternal soul wounds, and such practical advice grounded in lived experience and in science! Should be Autism Associations' promoted text for Mums. And on every school counsellor's bookshelf (or Kindle!)...
A beautifully written and compassionate book by an author with a lived experience of mothering a child with autism. The combination of first hand experience and professional research knowledge make this a must-read for both mental health professionals and parents.
Mothers are heroes, even more so when their children fall out of "the normal range" in any way. A mother of an autistic child has to go through so much to be the best parent for her child. This account of a mother's personal journey through finding the courage and confidence, to be the best mom she can be, was very heartfelt...
This psychologist and mother invites the reader to let down their strength for a bit of nurturing and visibility for the unique challenges of being a Mom to a child with autism. Not only do mothers face public scrutiny but additionally, sleeplessness, and sometimes violence...
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